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Graduates of this course will have the knowledge, skills, values and dispositions to achieve qualified teacher status (QTS) and be a professional teacher, ready to work in Wales and beyond.
Primary Education QTS (BA)
UCAS Code: X120 
Addysg Gynradd (BA) (Welsh Medium Teaching Course)
UCAS Code: X123
Why choose this course?
• UWTSD ranked 1st in Wales for Education (Guardian League Table 2022).
• Graduates are highly employable as qualified teachers.
• English and Welsh pathways available.
The core content includes:
• Alternative setting – an opportunity to experience education in its widest sense;
• Bridging – the process by which practical and theoretical knowledge meet, and the transformative approach is enacted;
• Compulsory modules – the co-constructed and co-delivered content (pedagogic and subject related) of the programme which will underpin undergraduate study;
• Electives – a school-based and university-supported experience where students can elect to follow a more specialist line of inquiry in order to deepen curriculum knowledge;
• Partnership conference – the opportunity to share best practice at a conference event in order that the partnership can be transformed;
• Qualified Teacher Status – a compulsory professional pathway leading to the award of qualified teacher status;
• Welsh Language Skill Development – a compulsory professional pathway to develop students’ confidence and competence in speaking Welsh.
A total of 24 weeks will be based in school to gain professional teaching experience.
Year One - Level 4
• Cycle 1 Core Studies: The Learner: who am I teaching? (20 credits)
• Cycle 1 Professional and Pedagogic Studies: Leading the Learning: what, how and why am I teaching? (30 credits)
• Cycle 1 Core Studies: Learners, Schools and Communities: where am I teaching? (30 credits)
• Cycle 1 Professional and Pedagogic Studies: Researching the Learning: what, how and why am I teaching? (20 credits)
• Learning in the Digital Era (20 credits; Graduate Attributes Framework module).
Year Two - Level 5
• Cycle 2 Core Studies: The Learner: who am I teaching? (30 credits)
• Cycle 2 Professional and Pedagogic Studies: Leading the Learning: what, how and why am I teaching? (30 credits)
• Cycle 2 Core Studies: Learners, Schools and Communities: where am I teaching? (30 credits)
• Cycle 2 Professional and Pedagogic Studies: Researching the Learning: what, how and why am I teaching? (30 credits).
Year Three - Level 6
• Cycle 3 Core Studies: The Learner: who am I teaching? (30 credits)
• Cycle 3 Professional and Pedagogic Studies: Leading the Learning: what, how and why am I teaching? (30 credits)
• Cycle 3 Core Studies: Learners, Schools and Communities: where am I teaching?
• Cycle 3 Professional and Pedagogic Studies: Researching the Learning: what, how and why am I teaching? (30 credits).
All modules are compulsory.
Entry Criteria
UCAS Points
Applicants are required to obtain 115 UCAS points.
GCSE Qualifications
Applicants must have all three of the following:
• Grade C or above in GCSE English Language or English Literature or Welsh Language or Welsh Literature.
• Grade C or above in Science.
• Grade C or above in GCSE Mathematics or GCSE Numeracy.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
If accepted onto our programme, you will be required to obtain a clear enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service formerly known as CRB, Criminal Records Bureau) clearance check as soon as possible. There is a fee associated with the service and you should ensure that you opt for the 'update' service.
Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.
IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.
1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview
The programme design provides the opportunity for assessments to be closely related to classroom practice and draw upon evidence gained from personal experience. This approach further establishes the links between intellectual and experiential learning.
For example, students will be required to design, conduct, evaluate and share a close-to-practice research project which will directly impact on learners. Whenever possible, assignments will be submitted and marked electronically to facilitate timely and effective feedback.
Assessment components include written assignments, a digital poster, portfolios, an individual video and a research project.
Career Opportunities
On successful completion of existing programmes, students are highly employable as qualified teachers.
Graduates will be equipped with a strong set of critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills reflecting transferable skills considered desirable by employers.
Graduates will be working in roles that require secure digital competence, numeracy and literacy skills together with skills of collaboration, time management and working in a complex environment. The nature of the content across the programme - both in terms of delivery and assessment - will provide students with experience of presenting work through a variety of media. These are highly transferrable skills used in a variety of employment options.
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