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BSc(Hons) Operational Policing is a contemporary course which adapts itself and students to the evolving nature of operational policing. It aims to build knowledge and expertise in the area of operational policing through work-based learning, allowing you to attain a full BSc (Hons) degree in 15 months.
Why choose this course?
The work-based approach encourages a focus on area of interest, producing a research study while critically reflecting on operational skills and strategies. This programme is for serving police officers, will be designed in conjunction with the needs of the force to enhance the status of its officers.
The concept of the course accredits prior learning, for those who have achieved PIP Level 1, initial police training, occupational competency and two years’ service post probation; this learning will be mapped for levels 4 and 5 which will allow entry into the degree in its third and final stage.
This final year will be focused on a work-based approach allowing the officers to critically reflect on how professional practice meets the learning outcomes of operational policing, skills, and strategies and to produce a research study that focuses on a particular area of interest.
Developed in collaboration with senior police officers, the course is undeniably relevant for those in force.
Level 6 (BSc)
• Professional Operational Practice (40 credits; compulsory)
• Operational Policing in the Workplace (40 credits; compulsory)
• Operational Policing Practice Project (40 credits; compulsory)
Entry Criteria
Applicants should be a serving police officer with three years' post-probation experience.
Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.
IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.
1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview
A variety of assessments will be used to challenge students. There is a strong academic focus within the programme alongside the development of practical skills.
Career Opportunities
This programme has been carefully designed to enhance the theoretical grounding and professional competency of serving police offers. Graduates of this BSc Top-up will enjoy improved promotion prospects and personal development within the force.
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