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Course Length

Full time PGCert: 4 months,

Why choose this course?


Our MA in History is a highly flexible programme, offered in a close, supportive, tutorial-style environment. It aims to build on your interest in History to help you develop your knowledge and skills as a practising historian.

The course has been shaped by leading researchers in our department. This means that our modules reflect the most recent developments in various historical fields.

We offer core skills training modules. You also have the opportunity to conduct research on topics of your choosing. This takes the form of independent study and dissertation modules. This freedom, combined with advanced training, enables you to graduate confident in your ability to research, write and develop your own work. And puts you in the ideal position to pursue further academic study, or new lines of endeavour.


Compulsory modules

Theories, Methods and Practices in History

This is a compulsory core module in advanced historical studies, which helps you make the transition from undergraduate to graduate-level work. We’ll introduce you to a variety of perspectives on theory and method in history, and you’ll acquire the advanced study skills you need to engage in independent research. You’ll also receive training in the use of electronic research resources.

Optional modules

American Colossus: US Domestic and Foreign Politics, 1945-2012

You’ll explore the rise of the United States from the end of the Second World War, through the Cold War, and up to the present day. By looking at domestic politics, international relations, and economic and military affairs, you’ll develop a keener appreciation of how the American state evolved in the 20th century as the major world power.

Behaving Badly: Crime, Deviance and Civilization

You’ll examine comparative themes in the history of law, crime and 'bad behaviour' from 1500 to the present. You’ll study the fundamental issues that have preoccupied historians of crime and the regulation of forms of behaviour that society considers unacceptable. You’ll cover many topics, which may include:

 the growth of law enforcement agencies
 changes in the concept of punishment
 family violence
 juvenile crimes
 crimes of sex and sexuality
 the ‘criminal underclass’
 gendered perceptions of crime and bad behaviour.

Monsters and Magical Beings: Medieval Lore to Pop Culture

From the Middle Ages to the present, cultural constructions of magicians and magical beings have fulfilled a variety of human needs – they have been scapegoats and role models, symbols of fear and of desire. This module suggests sociocultural explanations for the various stages of these complex developments. You’ll investigate the influence of the Enlightenment, the rise of a mass market for entertainment culture, and the modern cultures of childhood and youth.

Religion, Doubt and Secularism in Modern Britain and the US

You’ll examine the complex history of belief and unbelief, faith and reason, during a time often associated with growing secularisation. You’ll think critically about the nature of morality in the Victorian period, in particular the spiritual eclecticism of those who rejected Christian dogma.

The Road to Brexit: Britain and the European Communities, 1945-2016

You’ll look at how the subject of ‘Europe’ came to dominate post-war British politics, splitting political parties, bringing down governments and Prime Ministers, and dividing opinion more bitterly and deeply than any other subject. We’ll attempt to assess why exactly the subject was so divisive, and examine the different views taken about ‘ever closer union’ since 1945.

America at War: from the Revolution to the War on Terror

The United States remains the greatest military power in the world. With the broad support of its citizenry. The US Government continues to support the application of military force in settling international disputes as a natural and justifiable option for their republic.

Given the long historical roots of this phenomenon an analysis of the history of the threat and use of force must be undertaken within the unique American setting.

You will be able to engage with and take part in an examination of the evolution of the US armed forces as an integral part of the American Republic. You will then be able to assess its broader impacts on all aspects of international society. From the birth of the American Republic in the late 18th century to the contemporary age.

The Reformation and the Parish Church
You’ll learn how the abstract theological debates of the Reformation had a great impact on the lives of ordinary people. The churches in which they worshipped were remodelled, and the traditional Catholic rituals and practices that governed their lives were reformed. By focusing on one key feature of the Reformation – changing attitudes towards the parish church – you’ll examine the impact the Reformation had on art, architecture, music and sculpture.

History That Was Not: Counterfactuals and Alternate History

You’ll examine the uses and abuses of counterfactual constructions in historiography and in popular culture – where alternative versions of history are proposed and explored, based on what did not happen, or what might have happened. You’ll explore counterfactual narratives in novels, games, movies and design. You’ll focus on questions of historical causality and so-called ‘laws’ of history, and the interrelations between historiography, philosophy, literature and art.

Armies, Immigrants, and Gangs: The History of the U.S.-Mexican Border

The U.S. - Mexican border has been the site of diplomatic disputes over trade, tariffs, and immigration. Recently the border has become a lightning rod for arguments over a host of domestic issues. From drug abuse and gang violence to race relations and migrant labour.

You'll explore how nation-states attempt to police their borders. Also looking at how populations on the ground can thwart these efforts. You'll look at nomadic Native American tribes and runaway slaves in the 1800s to drug cartels and immigrant workers in the modern era.

In the 19th century U.S. citizens often viewed their Mexican neighbours as uncivilised and ignorant. And had determination to keep Mexico's degenerative influences from polluting the United States. To defend an imagined divide between a prosperous land from a dangerous neighbour.

You'll learn how it played a central role in shaping the United States’ national identity in the past. And why and how it exercises so much power in U.S. politics today.

Worlds of Risk: Technology, Health and the Environment 'Risk'

You’ll reflect on the novelty of the present age, and explore questions about when and how understanding and managing risks became such a key feature of modern societies. You’ll take a critical and historical perspective on a series of contemporary risks, among them climate change and technological catastrophes, and the dangers that have accompanied the rise of new technologies, particularly synthetic chemicals, drugs, artificial foodstuffs, and the nuclear industry. You’ll focus particularly on Britain, France, Germany and the USA.

Engineering Society: Eugenics and Biopolitics, 1860-1945

You’ll examine comparative themes in the history of eugenics, racism, biopolitics and anthropology from 1800 to 1945. You’ll study the fundamental issues that have preoccupied historians of biology, science and modernity since the 1800s and combine these with specific case studies from a wide range of European countries.

Terrorism in History

You''ll discuss terrorism from the extreme right as well as from the extreme left. Including fundamentalist religious groups, ecoterrorism as well as ethno-nationalist terrorism. You will adopt a critical approach to the expanding secondary literature and media coverage of terrorism.

You'll gain the ability to carry out an in-depth study of a particular terrorist episode. Or a terrorist organization through a seminar presentation and an extended essay assignment.

Topics covered can include terrorist organizations, such as:

 the Russian anarchists,
 the Fenians,
 the IRA,
 the Weather Underground,
 the Red Army Faction,
 Action Directe,
 Sendero Luminoso,
 National Socialist Underground,
 jihadists including Al-Qaeda and ISIS,
 as well as lone-wolf terrorists.

State-sponsored terrorism, cyber-terrorism and the cooperation between terrorism and organized crime as well as the media coverage of terrorist activities will be discussed.

The Hospital in History

You’ll explore the origins and transformations of the hospital in its social context, from the monastic hospital of the middle ages to the psychiatric hospital. You’ll develop an understanding of three core issues and how they have developed over time:

 the hospital as an organisation and institution dependent on different forms of funding
 the hospital as a site of diverse specialist personnel and patients’ shifting experiences
 the hospital as a social phenomenon, deeply embedded in local communities and communal values.

Blasphemy from the Ancient to the Contemporary World

Blasphemy has been a crime that has endured since ancient times. It has survived and rejuvenated to appear in the twenty-first century.

You'll explore the changing history of blasphemy. From a form of discipline through to its emergence in the contemporary period as a species of hate crime. It is a crime that has implicated:

 unbelievers
 gamblers
 marginal individuals
 political radicals
 writers
 artists
 filmmakers
 and users of social media.

You'll investigate the meanings and significance of blasphemy at very different stages of its history.

You will learn through a case study approach. You will encounter a range of:

 blasphemous utterances
 art works
 sculpture
 cartoons
 satirical writing
 works of fiction
 religious criticism
 film
 television
 journalism
 music video
 social media content
 and ‘cases’ against these.

You will investigate the outcomes from these and the response of the law within the respective cultures and societies involved.

Renaissances: Space and Society in Europe, 1400-1600

You'll explore the contradictory and competing histories of the period. You'll analyse continuity and change between the 15th and 17th centuries. You'll look at:

 Political turmoil
 Cultural achievement
 Environmental change
 Demographic change
 Technological change

You'll engage with familiar stories of the Italian and Northern Renaissances. And lesser-known examples from Spain and Switzerland. You'll look at significant spaces in Renaissance cities. Engaging with the perspectives and experiences of the Renaissance. You'll use material culture and architecture, including textual sources. Revealing the impact of the Renaissance from royal courts to everyday experiences.

Understanding Civil War: Russia, Spain, Greece

You’ll examine three case studies in civil conflict in the 20th century. You’ll analyse a variety of themes from international relations to the dynamics of clan violence. Through your study in this module, we aim to introduce you to the practice of comparative history, historical sociology and the analytical study of civil conflict. (This module runs in the afternoon.)

Independent Study Module

Carry out independent study on a topic that fascinates you, and which is not covered by our modules. You might choose a topic that you’ve become interested in through the MA programme, or which reflects other interests. You’ll work independently, engaging directly with primary source material. With support from your supervisor, you’ll develop your understanding of research methods. Usually, students complete an extended, research-based essay (6,000 words), although alternative forms of assessment can be permitted with your supervisor’s agreement.

Examples of topics studied include:

 Studies on asylums in the Netherlands
 American grand strategy during the Second World War
 The Battle of Arras
 Criminal gangs in London
 Russian Civil War, 1917-1922

Final Project

Compulsory modules

Dissertation (History)

This is the second compulsory, and the capstone of the MA in History. You will have the opportunity to conduct a major in-depth investigation into a historical topic of your choice, leading to the production of a 15,000-word thesis (including footnotes).

The topic may be related to one of your elective modules or may be chosen from another area of your interest. You will be supported in your research by individual supervision from a specialist tutor and by group workshops on advanced research design that take place in Semester 2 (for part-time students this is taken in Year 2). The dissertation is completed over the summer and is submitted on the last Friday in September.


Our historians are regarded as experts in their field and their research informs some of the key debates in society.

Principal research areas in which our teaching staff specialise include:

 Early modern history
 History of religion from the Reformation onwards
 Health, medicine and society
 Social and cultural history
 History of art and visual culture
 History of crime, deviance and the law
 Modern political and international history

As well as meeting to discuss and analyse central texts in the field, each group undertakes a number of activities including organising work-in-progress seminars, and offering support and feedback for external grant applications.

The department boasts a wealth of research expertise and two important research centres:

 Centre for Medical Humanities
 Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History

Entry Criteria

Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.

IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.
Entry requirements

Specific entry requirements

You should normally hold a minimum of a second class honours degree (2:2), or equivalent, in History or in a related subject.

If it is some time since you completed your undergraduate education and you do not meet the standard requirement, it may be possible to consider your application based on evidence of other relevant personal and professional experience and the support of your referees.

Our standard entry requirement is three A-levels or equivalent qualifications. In some cases, courses have specific required subjects and additional GCSE requirements. In addition to A-levels, we accept a wide range of other qualifications including:

 the Welsh Baccalaureate
 the Access to Higher Education Diploma
 a BTEC National Certificate, Diploma or Extended Diploma at a good standard and in a relevant subject
 the International Baccalaureate Diploma
 the European Baccalaureate Diploma
 Scottish qualifications – five subjects in SCE with two at Higher level or one at Advanced Higher level, or three subjects in Scottish Highers or two at Advanced Higher level
 a recognised foundation course
 T-levels*.
 * T-levels are a relatively new qualification but are already included in the UCAS tariff. We welcome prospective students who are taking this qualification to apply. For some programmes with specific required subjects, particular subject areas or occupational specialisms may be required.

English language requirements

If English is not your first language you will need to satisfy the university's English language requirements:

 IELTS 6.5 overall and including a minimum 6.0 in all components.

The entry requirement for your course will be expressed as an IELTS level and refers to the IELTS Academic version of this test. We are now also accepting the IELTS Indicator test, you can find out more about the test on the IELTS Indication site. The University however does accept a wide range of additional English language qualifications, which can be found below.

The university’s English language requirements in IELTS levels are as follows:

Course IELTS level
All other undergraduate courses 6.0 overall with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking
Law, Architecture, Interior Architecture, English Literature (including combined honours), English Literature and Creative Writing 6.5 overall with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking
Health and Social Care courses 6.5 or 7.0 overall with 6.5 or 7.0 in all components (see individual entries for course details)
Nutrition BSc (Hons) 6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.0 in each component
Built Environment Foundation,
Computing Foundation,
Engineering Foundation 6.0 with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in listening and speaking
International Foundation Business and Technology,
International Foundation Arts, Humanities and Law 5.5 overall with 5.5 in all skills
International Foundation Diploma 5.0 overall with 5.0 in all skills
If you need a student visa you must take an IELTS for UKVI test.
International Foundation Diploma (Extended pathway) 4.5 overall with 4.5 in all skills
If you need a student visa you must take an IELTS for UKVI test.



1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview

Learning and assessment

You will study four modules to gain your MA in History:

 a compulsory core module
 two elective modules
 dissertation.

Shorter courses in History are also available: the postgraduate diploma and the postgraduate certificate. It is possible to transfer between these and the MA course.

Postgraduate diploma students take the compulsory core module and two elective modules.

Postgraduate certificate students take the compulsory core module and one elective module.
Learning and teaching

We use a range of teaching methods, including:

 small-group seminars
 discussion groups
 workshops
 individual tutorials
 historiographical and bibliographical presentations.

As a part-time student you will attend the University one evening per week. You will need to spend an additional 12–15 hours per week on private study.

As a full-time student you will attend classes on two evenings per week. You will spend 30 hours per week in private study.

Career Opportunities

Students who have completed the MA in History have developed a variety of careers. A significant number have gone on to undertake PhD study and secondary school history teaching. Others have taken up careers in:

 archive management
 law
 accountancy
 local government
 the civil service

All jobs which require excellent research and analysis skills. Our careers service provides practical tips, training and advice for up to three years after graduation.



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