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The Philosophy programme will expose you to a broad range of philosophical topics. Philosophy is different from other disciplines in that it teaches you not what to think, but how to think. Philosophy explores the big questions – Who are we? What is our place in the world? How should we live? What is reality? – and approaching them through argument, vision and imagination.

The programme is designed to provide you with a broad grounding in philosophy.It explores both the history of philosophy, as well as addressing contemporary philosophical debates.

The programme aims to improve your analytic skills and develop you as a philosopher.

The programme combines modules that address key areas in the history of philosophy with modules that focus on contemporary philosophical debates.


Philosophy (BA)
UCAS Code: V502

Philosophy with Foundation Year (BA)

Creative Writing and Philosophy (BA)
UCAS Code: WV85

Philosophy & History (BA)



Course Length

3 years Full-time/ 6 years Part-time

Why choose this course?

• Philosophy explores the big questions – Who are we? What is our place in the world? How should we live? What is reality? Philosophy approaches such questions through argument, vision and imagination.
• Philosophy is different from other academic disciplines in that it teaches you not what to think, but how to think, challenging one’s beliefs and assumptions about the world.
• Studying philosophy encourages the development of core skills highly prized by employers: the ability to think clearly, logically, and creatively; communicate articulately and accurately; analyse critically and rigorously. Philosophy graduates are all-rounders: thoughtful, insightful, and versatile.
• We take an immersive approach to learning offering a diverse range of teaching approaches, including lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshop sessions.
• You will attend small-group classes with a focus on discussion and learning activities to encourage the self-development and critical reflection accepted as key to the development of personal and professional capacities.


Philosophy explores the big questions: Who are we? What is our place in the world? How should we live? What is reality? Philosophy approaches such questions through argument, but also through vision and imagination.

Philosophy concerns every aspect of our lives, practical as well as theoretical. Through its grounding in real social relations and human activities, it seeks to understand and address the whole spectrum of social, ethical, environmental and political issues of today. Through philosophy, we are able not only to understand life, but to shape it.

If your interests extend to life, the universe and everything, if you want to develop a rich set of life-enhancing skills and the power to influence positive change, then our philosophy degree is for you.


Year One – Level 4 (CertHE, DipHE & BA)

• Contemporary Challenges: Making a Difference (20 credits; optional; Graduate Attributes Framework module)
• Cultures and Philosophies of Politics (20 credits; optional)
• Death, Burial and the Afterlife (20 credits; optional)
• Exploring the Humanities (20 credits; compulsory)
• From Egypt to the Near East: Phenomena of the Mediterranean (20 credits; optional)
• Gender, Sex, and Sexuality: Historical and Critical Perspectives (20 credits; optional)
• Humans and Other Animals (20 credits; optional)
• Learning in the Digital Era (20 credits; compulsory; Graduate Attributes Framework module)
• Morality, Ethics and Reason (20 credits; optional)
• Myths and Mythology: How Stories Shape the World (20 credits; optional)
• Power and Inequality (20 credits; optional)
• The Colonial Project and the Humanities (20 credits; optional)
• The Nature of Objects: Why Matter Matters (20 credits; optional).

Year Two – Level 5 (DipHE & BA)

• 20th Century Philosophy (20 credits; optional)
• Anguish and Death: Key Existentialist Texts (20 credits; optional)
• Changemakers: Building your Personal Brand for Sustainable Employment (20 credits; compulsory; Graduate Attributes Framework module)
• Changemakers: Creativity and Value Creation (20 credits; optional; Graduate Attributes Framework module)
• Confessing with Saint Augustine: God and Religion in the Twilight of the Roman Empire (20 credits; optional)
• Confucian Ethics (20 credits; optional)
• Cross Cultural Ethics: Christian and Islamic Approaches (20 credits; optional)
• Environment, Sustainability and Philosophy (20 credits; optional)
• Faith Seeking Understanding: God and Philosophy in the Middle Ages (20 credits; optional)
• Freedom, Agency and Responsibility (20 credits; optional)
• From Attic to Audience: Engaging with the Public through Residencies, Festivals, Performances and Publication (20 credits; optional)
• Humans, Animals and Machines: Exploring the Philosophy of Mind (20 credits; optional)
• International Independent Study Module (40 credits; optional)
• International Independent Study Module (60 credits; optional)
• Rationalists and Empiricists (20 credits; optional)
• Reality, Value and God: Debates in Metaphysics (20 credits; optional)
• The Ethics of Life and Death: Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics (20 credits; optional).

Year Three – Level 6 (BA)

• 20th Century Philosophy (20 credits; optional)
• Anguish and Death: Key Existentialist Texts (20 credits; optional)
• Confessing with Saint Augustine: God and Religion in the Twilight of the Roman Empire (20 credits; optional)
• Confucian Ethics (20 credits; optional)
• Cross Cultural Ethics: Christian and Islamic Approaches (20 credits; optional)
• Environment, Sustainability and Philosophy (20 credits; optional)
• Faith Seeking Understanding: God and Philosophy in the Middle Ages (20 credits; optional)
• Freedom, Agency and Responsibility (20 credits; optional)
• From Attic to Audience: Engaging with the Public through Residencies, Festivals, Performances and Publication (20 credits; optional)
• Humans, Animals and Machines: Exploring the Philosophy of Mind (20 credits; optional)
• Independent Project (40 credits; compulsory; Graduate Attributes Framework module)
• International Independent Study Module (40 credits; optional)
• International Independent Study Module (60 credits; optional)
• Rationalists and Empiricists (20 credits; optional)
• Reality, Value and God: Debates in Metaphysics (20 credits; optional)
• The Ethics of Life and Death: Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics (20 credits; optional).

Level 3 (Foundation Year)

• Academic Survival Skills (20 credits; compulsory)
• Introduction to University Life (10 credits; compulsory)
• Independent Investigation (10 credits; compulsory)
• Introduction to the Humanities (10 credits; compulsory)
• Academic Writing (10 credits; compulsory)
• Understanding Literature (20 credits; optional)
• Talking to the Dead (20 credits; optional)
• Being Human (20 credits; optional)
• Understanding Democracy (20 credits; optional)

Prospective students should be aware of the following:

• Not all optional modules are offered every year
• Optional modules are delivered subject to sufficient student numbers
• Language modules are optional/compulsory/core according to linguistic ability
• There are many Level 5 and Level 6 versions of the same module. Students can only take this module once; this depends on which year the modules are offered in.

Entry Criteria

Grades are important; however, our offers are not solely based on academic results. We are interested in creative people that demonstrate a strong commitment to their chosen subject area and therefore we welcome applications from individuals from a wide range of backgrounds.

To assess student suitability for their chosen course we normally arrange interviews for all applicants at which your skills, achievements and life experience will be considered as well as your qualifications.

Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.

IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.



1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview


The programme is assessed in a variety of ways and will include several of the following type of assessment: essays of 1,000 to 4,000 words in length, document analysis, book/ journal reviews, short reports and reflective journals, time tests, seen and unseen exams, field journals, posters, group and individual presentations, dissertations of 10,000 words, wikis, commentaries and film evaluations.

Career Opportunities

Philosophy is, in commercial jargon, the ultimate transferable work skill

• Administrative work
• Advocacy and government relations jobs
• Analyst jobs
• Committee work
• Education
• Environmental work
• Ethics advisors and other advisory work
• Fundraising
• Law
• Media and journalism
• NGOs and charities
• Politics and Civil Service



Get in Touch

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