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Institution code: D26

Course Length

UCAS course code: B821
Duration: Three years full-time
Start date: September 2023

Why choose this course?

Key features

 Eligibility to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as a Diagnostic Radiographer on successful completion of this programme.
 Learn how to use a wide range of imaging techniques and technology to produce high-quality diagnostic images to aid the diagnosis and treatment of injury and disease.
 You will gain clinical exposure from year one of the course, while strong links and integrated work placements with local NHS trusts and private providers, will allow you to put theory to practice.
 Consolidate learning in our industry standard digital x-ray suite, where you will be taught radiographic examination techniques before practicing on real patients in regional hospital trusts.
 You will study a range of topics including introduction to the role of the healthcare professional, anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, cross-sectional imaging and practice placements.
 Gain international experience through our DMU Global programme, which has previously seen Allied Health Professions students visit schools and community groups in India and supported deaf children in The Gambia.
 Once qualified, radiographers can go onto specialise in areas such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, clinical reporting of x-ray imaging, research, teaching and management.


Diagnostic radiographers play a key role in modern healthcare. Approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), on this course you will be introduced to a variety of imaging modalities and explore how these are used in relation to imaging different body systems, as well as developing skills valued in healthcare professionals such as patient care, communication and multidisciplinary teamwork.

Our new radiography suite simulates real work settings, allowing you to put theory into practice. Teaching is delivered by academic staff who are actively engaged in clinical radiography, as well as by visiting lecturers working in health, education and radiology sectors.

Throughout the three-year programme you will have the opportunity to consolidate your learning through a variety of clinical placements at NHS trusts, to help you develop the skills sought by graduate employers. On completion, graduates will be eligible to register with the HCPC and practise as a diagnostic radiographer.


Year 1

Block 1: Imaging Science

This module will provide students with a knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles that underpin the production, recording and display of medical images and the safe operation of radiographic technology.

Block 2: Imaging anatomy and technique

This module provides students with an understanding and knowledge of the basic structure and function of the skeletal system, and core cardiovascular / respiratory systems, including radiographic technique of the appendicular and axial skeleton.

Block 3 & 4: Core Practice 1

The focus of year 1 is undertaking radiography of the musculoskeletal system, thorax and abdomen whilst demonstrating safe and effective practice. Students will explore some of the core principles involved in the provision of health care and explore the interprofessional nature of the modern NHS.

Year 2

Block 1 & 2: Core Practice 2

The focus of year 2 of the programme is undertaking imaging of body systems (including musculoskeletal). In this module you will also explore the principles of trauma imaging and care, the principles of ward and theatre radiography.

Block 3: Imaging Anatomy & Pathophysiology

The aim of this module is to build an overall understanding of the normal anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the different body systems and how they relate to each other. Building on the understanding of anatomy and physiology gained in year 1, students will gain a knowledge of the soft tissue organs, brain and spinal anatomy, and linked systems.

Block 4: Imaging Science & the Patient

This module introduces the more complex imaging modalities, and explores how they are used to support the patient journey. Linked to this is an understanding of a range of pathologies affecting the soft tissue organs, and develops the underpinning knowledge of care pathways, patient presentation, diagnostic processes.

Year 3

Block 1: Research skills

This module introduces students to the application of research, statistical and evaluation skills within clinical healthcare. It provides an awareness of studies such as audit, service evaluation and research in health services and research methodology including ethics, outlines how to read and critically appraise a published paper, and covers issues relating to statistical analysis and data presentation.

Block 2 & 3: Core Practice 3

The overall aim of this final practice placement module is to give the student experience which ensures that they can undertake the breadth of practice expected of a newly qualified Diagnostic Radiographer Practitioner. Integral to this is the development of graduate level attributes and expectations of wider professional practice – for example clinical evaluation, and leadership.

Block 4: Dissertation/Project

In this module students will conduct research or literature-based project/review or clinical audit. They will write up their results, demonstrating their ability to write in an appropriate scientific style, perform quantitative and/or qualitative analyses of their results, draw conclusions, critically evaluate their research, and discuss potential clinical implications. It is also expected that students will be able to develop personal responsibility and initiative in planning, managing, and executing the project and in working with research partners as appropriate. 

Entry Criteria

Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.

IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.
Entry criteria


Five GCSEs grades A*–C (9-4) including English, Science and Maths

Functional skills are not accepted

Plus one of the following:

A levels

 A minimum of 128 UCAS points from 3 A-levels, with 2 A-levels in science subjects. One science subject at grade A and one at grade B, in any of the following subjects (Biology, Human Biology, Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics) normally taken in one sitting.

T Levels

 Distinction in Healthcare Science with optional module in ‘Assisting with health science’ (not optical care services)


 BTEC National Diploma in Applied Science at Distinction/Distinction plus another level 3 to meet the 128 UCAS point tariff
 BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science at Distinction/Distinction/Merit

Other combinations will be looked at on an individual basis
International Baccalaureate

 28+ points with six higher level points in a science subject

Access to HE Diploma

 Access to HE Diploma ‘Science’ or ‘Medicine and Healthcare’ or ‘Radiography’ with 45 distinctions
 English and Maths GCSE at grade C/4 or above are required as a separate qualification

Interview: Yes

The interview will be used as part of the selection process to determine whether you will be made an offer.

The recruitment process for this course includes assessing applicants by the content of their personal statement and interview for the core values of the NHS constitution.

Professional conduct during the event will also contribute to the decision-making regarding an applicant’s application.

Interviews will be delivered via Microsoft Teams.

Work experience: Yes

We strongly advise applicants to undertake a one-day observational visit to an X-ray department. This can be arranged directly with any NHS trust.

Please note, this is not a compulsory requirement of the application process, but is advised to ensure you have a first hand understanding of the role of a diagnostic radiographer, before undertaking your training into the profession.

English language requirements:

If English is not your first language an IELTS score of 7 overall, with 6.5 in each band (or equivalent) when you start the course is essential. English language tuition, delivered by our British Council accredited Centre for English Language Learning (CELL), is available both before and during the course.

Non-academic requirements

As well as academic requirements, you will also be required to meet and fulfil non-academic requirements which are stated below:

 Self-Declaration Form clearance
 Enhanced DBS disclosure clearance

You submit an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service disclosure application form before starting the course (if you are overseas you will also need to submit a criminal records certificate from your home country), which needs to be cleared in accordance with DMU’s admissions policy. Contact us for up-to-date information.

We strongly advise that you opt for the DBS update service as it is possible that future placement providers may request a recent DBS and not one from the start of the programme. If you decide not to opt for this service then you will have to pay for the DBS again if requested by your placement provided – the university will not cover this cost.

Occupational Health clearance

The role of the diagnostic radiographer requires students to be able to operate and manoeuvre large pieces of imaging equipment. It also requires the ability to be involved in the moving and handling of services users. It is important for both the safety of the service user, colleagues and the student themselves, that student radiographers are able to engage in this activity safely without putting themselves, service users or other colleagues at risk of injury or exacerbation of existing health conditions.

All successful applicants who enrol onto the programme are required to undergo appropriate immunisations. This process is facilitated by the university and will involve attending occupational health clinics to receive the necessary vaccinations and blood test screening to ensure compliance with the requirements for new and existing healthcare workers within the NHS.

You must meet and fulfil all non-academic requirements before 17 July 2023. Failure to meet this deadline may result in your offer being withdrawn.


Please note that we do not accept internal or external transfers onto this course for any year of study.



1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview
Teaching and assessments

Teaching sessions may include:

 Formal and interactive lectures
 Staff and student seminars
 Tutorial discussions
 Practical and clinical based workshops
 Inter-professional (IP) learning with students from other healthcare professions
 eLearning

Assessment Methods includes:

 Written exams
 Coursework (essays, posters, wikis)
 Presentations
 Dissertation
 Practical and clinically-based assessment activities

Teaching contact hours

The time on the programme is split into approximately 50% university based and 50% spent on clinical placements, in NHS hospitals and independent sectors.

Contact hours in a typical academic week may vary from year to year. However, on average you will have approximately 20 contact hours of teaching per university week. The timetable for the taught year will be between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday. During clinical placement this will increase to a 34-hour week.

Part of the practice placement rota requires students to attend some placement during the evening, overnight and weekends. In order to incorporate sufficient practice placement weeks that allow students to consolidate theoretical learning into practical skills, the Diagnostic Radiography programme runs over a full calendar year and contains blocks of 7 weeks duration per year.

Students will be required to examine service users of all gender identities and from all religious and ethnic backgrounds.

Dress Code and Uniform Policy Whilst on Practice Placement

Whilst attending practice placements, Students are required to adhere to the full uniform policy of their practice placement Trust. This requires that all staff and students be ‘bare below the elbow’. Female members of staff who for religious reasons wish to cover their hair and neck by the wearing of a dark plain coloured scarf are permitted to do so. The material must be able to withstand a 60 degree mechanical wash (The veil is not permitted for staff who are patient facing). Uniforms are supplied by the University and support NHS Trusts’ infection control protocols, including Hand Hygiene Policies’

Personal study

Approximately 25 hours studying and revising in your own time each week, including some guided study using hand-outs, online activities, etc.

Academic Expertise

Some of our teaching staff are actively engaged in clinical radiography so you can benefit from their specialist experience and understanding of diagnostic imaging. You will also benefit from the expertise of visiting lecturers from health, education and radiography departments.


The programme is accredited by the Society and College of Radiographers and is approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Students will be expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct published by HCPC. Successful completion of this programme provides eligibility to apply for registration with the HCPC as a ‘Diagnostic Radiographer’.

Career Opportunities


As part of this course you will undertake placements in radiography practice areas throughout the duration of the programme. Through examining patients under guided supervision from a qualified radiographer, you will increase your clinical skills in plain film as you progress.

Practice placements are located across the East Midlands region and we cannot guarantee a particular placement area.

You will also have the opportunity to rotate through the different imaging modalities, where you will gain a better understanding of computed tomography (also known as CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (also known as MRI), ultrasound and radionuclide imaging.

Across the programme, you will combine radiographic technique theory with local imaging protocols along with your patients’ individual conditions to learn how to produce quality images of a diagnostic standard, safely and effectively, in any environment. Key emphasis is placed on the ability to reflect upon clinical practice and form action plans to improve where necessary.

Graduate Careers

Successful completion of this programme provides eligibility to apply for registration with the regulatory Health and Care Professions Council as a diagnostic radiographer.

There are also opportunities to specialise in many areas in your career, including ultrasound, MRI, CT scanning, image reporting, research, teaching and management.

All of our recent graduates have progressed on to either Higher Level study or are working as Diagnostic Radiographers within the NHS.

DMU Global

Our innovative international experience programme DMU Global aims to enrich your studies and expand your cultural horizons, helping you to become a global graduate, equipped to meet the needs of employers across the world. Through DMU Global, we offer a wide range of opportunities including on-campus and UK-based activities, overseas study, internships, faculty-led field trips and volunteering, as well as Erasmus+ and international exchanges.



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