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Why choose this course?
Key features
 We’ll help you to experiment and push beyond your comfort zone to produce podcasts, audio-visual pieces and multimedia digital work.
 Creative Writing at DMU is ranked number one in the UK for graduate prospects (Complete University Guide, 2023).
 Select a route through this degree in Drama, Education, English Language, English Literature, Film, History, Journalism or Media. These carefully chosen routes will complement and enrich your understanding of your main subject, alongside broadening your skillset to give you a wider range of career paths available upon graduation.
 Industry-focused skills are embedded throughout the curriculum and you will graduate as a confident writer with the tools to professionally promote, present and publish your work.
 We’ll encourage you to join regional writing networks, participate in spoken word events, and perform and publish your work through book fairs and festivals, including DMU's annual States of Independence book festival.
 You’ll learn from successful published writers and become part of a creative and passionate community of writers.
 Work beyond classroom boundaries in a variety of stimulating settings to promote creativity, including urban walk workshops, museum trips and ghost story workshops in a deconsecrated chapel.
 Benefit from Education 2030, where a simplified ‘block learning’ timetable means you will study one subject at a time and have more time to engage with your learning, receive faster feedback and enjoy a better study-life balance.
Find your voice and discover your own creative writing path through studying with us at DMU. By embedding stimulating themes throughout our distinctive course structure we give you the opportunity to develop skills across fiction, poetry, memoir, the graphic novel, screenwriting, non-fiction, audio and performance writing, concrete poetry and new media.
You’ll examine the relationship between word, image, and sound and, by the end of your course, you won’t just be writing – you’ll also be producing your own professional-standard publications. As a final confidence boost we include final-year voice coaching to help you leave DMU as a self-assured public performer.
You can select a route through this degree in Drama, Education, English Language, English Literature, Film, History, Journalism or Media.
Year 1
Block 1: Exploring Creative Writing
You will explore a wide range of short form writing and a range of modes including international strict form poetry (for example, sonnet, rondeau, terza rima, ghazal, villanelle, sestina), free verse, flash fiction and historical flash fiction. Ethical questions of combining fact and fiction are addressed in an introduction to historical fiction. You may also explore the practice of review writing in a real-world context and digital short form writing on social media platforms.
Collaborative Short Form Writing, 20%:You will collaborate with other students to write a strict form poem.
Short Form Writing Portfolio, 80%: You will submit a portfolio consisting of a range of short form writing. The portfolio will include a critical commentary reflecting on the creative process and editing of the short form writing presented in the portfolio.
Block 2: Writing Identity
By exposing you to a range of biographical, autobiographical, poetic, and theoretical material this course explores the negotiation of identity in writing, in an international context, as potential material for the creative writer. You will explore selfhood, personality, memory, and examine the degree to which any written identity has a fictional component. You will consider the responsibility of writers to represent groups or individuals with care and intelligence. You will write about your own experiences of your national identity and examine the formation of postcolonial identities, and the role of intersectionality in the construction and negotiation of identity.
Writing identity portfolio, 100%: You will write a range of pieces of identity-based writing covering both strands: autobiographical and fictional identity.
Block 3: Writers Salon
Writers always learn from reading. Drawing on the tradition of the literary salon and writers’ salons in the 21st century, this module provides a framework for you to extend your writing skills through an exchange of ideas and collaborative learning. You will reflect on how your reading can inform and improve your own practice as a writer. Areas for consideration may include voice, form and structure, pace and development, genre, language, and the relationship of writer to reader. Reading for craft will be introduced through core readings in poetry and prose and will draw on materials from a range of countries and cultures, including published work from writers of colour and writing in translation. As well as producing new creative work, you will be expected to work individually or collaboratively to host the salon, selecting material, leading discussions, and devising exploratory writing activities
Salon Host Micro-Teach, 30%: You will produce a word plan for hosting you salon and submit a short individual reflection on their micro-teach.
Portfolio: Creative Responses to Reading, 70%: You will submit a minimum of two new pieces of creative writing in response to core readings of your choice.
OR you can select to study one route from the list below:
Drama Route - Shifting Stages
On this module you will develop and demonstrate performance skills relevant to chosen theatrical texts. Analysing the structures, both linguistic and narrative, of play texts and performances, you will explore a range of critical and technical perspectives. Through workshops, you will engage in a practical exploration of the module topic through a range of tutor led exercises, consolidating your knowledge through creative practice and working collaboratively with others.
Solo Performance or Presentation, 60%: You will produce a 6 minute performance or presentation to demonstrate performance skills in relation to one of the two play texts studied with a detailed textual analysis.
Essay, 40%: You will write an essay to demonstrate analysing selected written work and performance theory from established authors and practitioners.
English Language route - Evolving Language
This module is focused on the history and development of English from its beginnings to the present day and beyond. The module will examine theories about the origins of language, and use English as a case study to show how languages change over time. You will examine the history of English through the close study of texts chosen from the full range of the language's history; including early Celtic languages and Anglo-Saxon. The vexed question of language 'decay' will also be addressed and you will consider the various ways English is evolving in a globalised, IT-saturated world. You will examine differences between varieties of English spoken within the UK and globally and reflect on how such differences impact on communicative interaction.
Linguistic Report, 40%: You will write a report describing some linguistic data and its relevance to the history of the English language.
Group Presentation, 60%: You will deliver a fifteen-minute group presentation reporting on the findings of a small-scale research project on different varieties of the English language.
English Literature route - Introduction to Drama: Shakespeare
The module will introduce you to the playwright, William Shakespeare. It will explore textual production and the performance of plays in the early modern period. It will also examine Shakespeare’s meaning in contemporary culture by considering the continued adaptation of his work in other media forms such as novels or films. You will use examples of Shakespeare in adaptation to discuss key topics such as gender, social justice and (post)colonialism. In doing so, the module will explore Shakespeare’s significance to British culture, as well as his global legacy.
Coursework, 40%: Using digital editions of Shakespeare's plays, you will produce a reflection on a 5 minute class presentation.
Blog article, 60%: You will write a blog article on the adaptation of one of the plays studied on the module.
Film Studies route - Disney, Warner Bros and the Business of the Film Studio
You will develop your understanding of the historic and current operation of major film studios, by reviewing their releases, changing structures over time, and their practices today. You will explore the history of movie studios and the evolving business practices of studios, focusing on the activities of two studios, the Walt Disney Company and Warner-Discovery. You will discover the key activities carried out by studios, including production, distribution, license sales and marketing.
Preparatory exercise, 20%: You will produce a 5 minute presentation or written piece outlining one aspect of industry practice.
Essay project, 80%: You will write an essay exploring key themes of the module.
Education route - Childhood, Social Justice and Education
This module is an introduction to some of the important contemporary debates in Childhood Studies and society. The module will explore and evaluate the construction of childhood, the inequalities which surround childhood, and what it means to be a child in the UK in the 21st century. Drawing on a range of sociological and political conceptualizations of childhood and the many factors that shape our understanding of it, you will critically evaluate key issues impacting on childhood and how these issues are reflected in, or sustained by, or challenged by society. You will be encouraged to contest and interrogate your own thinking and assumptions about children, childhood and society.
Academic poster, 40%: You will produce 1 poster or a series of posters exploring a theme from the module chosen by yourself.
Report, 60%: You will write an academic report exploring a theme from the module chosen by yourself.
History route – Global Cities
This module examines the role of cities in global history, particularly the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. You will gain an understanding of the significance of urbanisation in modern history, and the development of cities as key sites of global trade and exchange of ideas. Topics covered may include sanitation processes and hygiene movements, city planning, migration, the slave trade, colonialism, sport and leisure, religion and the arts. You will be introduced to cultural and social history concepts and engage with different types of history, such as urban history, medical history, environmental history, visual and material history and migration history.
Presentation, 40%: You will work on one of the themes of the module, comparing how it developed in two different cities.
Portfolio, 60%: You will compile a variety of short pieces on cities explored during the module.
Journalism route - Understanding Journalism
This module introduces you to classic and new theories and practice of journalism, and the role the news media have in explaining and shaping society. You will reflect on the evolutions and the current state of the sector, and develop your understanding of global news debate and the role of journalism in shaping communities. Theories introduced include journalism and its role in society, theories of news production, content, and audience theories, and digital news theories. You will also dissect current events in order to understand how journalists have covered and responded to activism and social justice issues in the UK and worldwide both in mainstream media and social media.
Essay, 60%: You will select one question to answer from a selection.
Presentation, 40%: You will apply journalism theories to critically evaluating a news event.
Media route - Media, Culture and Society
This module considers a range of approaches to the study of media, culture, and society, particularly focusing on the socio-cultural contexts in which contemporary media operate on a domestic and global scale. You will examine the notion of 'culture' as a range of mediatised practices and explore the everyday significance of contemporary cultural and media forms.
Creative project, 40%: You will create a small creative project around one of the theoretical concepts covered in the module and present it to the class.
Essay, 60%: You will write an essay related to the themes of the module.
Block 4: Shaping Ideas
This module is designed to develop your individual writing practice from your unique writing interests. We will work with your existing creative projects and passions to plan, research, and develop these projects effectively, including tackling any ethical questions that may arise from your research. You will be supported to understand the importance of giving constructive feedback and how to apply feedback to your own work. You will also gain experience in talking about your work to their peers and tutors.
Pair feedback report, 20%: You will take on the role of editor and co-writer, providing valuable feedback on another student’s work.
Creative work and reflective commentary, 80%: You will write a new creative piece in your chosen form and genre, with a reflective commentary.
Year 2
Block 1: Writing Place
This module is designed to explore the role place has as a major creative stimulant, and subject of research, in writing. Creative practice research, including field work and archival research, will form the basis of the creation of new writing anchored in place. Through encounters with prose and poetry from writers whose work is explicitly informed by the contemplation of place, you will consider the impact that local, regional, national, and international contexts might have upon your own creative work. Themes explored may include the role of memory, notions of home and displacement, the connection between place and sense of self and wellbeing, experiences of travel (including ethical consideration of representation), on-site writing, locative writing, liminal spaces, landscape and the natural world, urban spaces, movement and place, and place and genre (such as speculative fiction, ghost stories and crime).
Field Trip e-Scrapbook, 40%: students can choose their method of presentation, for example, Padlet, Wix, etc. You will produce a scrapbook, displayed in a format of your choosing, to illustrate the creative practice research being undertaken (for example, field notes/photos/exploratory writing etc.) and potential avenues for the creative work.
Field Trip Creative Work, 60%: You will complete a piece of place-anchored writing, with a free choice of form, genre, and subject.
Block 2: Word, Image, Sound
This module aims to consider a variety of international writing contexts in which word, image and sound might be placed in creative dialogue, in terms of the varied spaces and places in which writing occurs, and in relation to issues and ideas that inform writing practices. This may include writing as varied as ekphrastic poetry, concrete poetry, poetry films, podcasting, screenplays, graphic novels, radio drama, hypertext, and audio-visual work. You will also examine the impact of global new media and the international digital environment on contemporary writing practices.
Creative Practice Case Study, 100%: You will submit a choice of case study from the forms addressed in the module, including new creative work in your chosen form.
Block 3: Story Craft
Narrative remains a tremendously powerful tool in all aspects of media, in marketing, advertising, gaming, as well as all aspects of fiction. This module will remind you why, and how, this is so. Main themes may include narrative arcs and structures, characterisation, pace, event, story-world, dialogue, clue-laying, revelation, and concealment, and means of involving the reader. The module will focus on storytelling and prose, looking at story structure, narrative structure, and drive, and how writers compel us to turn the pages. It will consider how the art of storytelling has adapted to its contemporary setting and the relationship between form and content. You will develop your
understanding of the importance of showing rather than telling and of the capacity strong image has to carry emotional content.
Story Craft Proposal, 40%: You will submit a proposal illustrating your intended approach to story craft in your portfolio. Your proposal can be presented in a format of your own choosing, for example, PowerPoint, poster, Pecha Kucha, Padlet or webpage.
Story Craft Portfolio, 60%: You will produce a new creative work that applies the concepts of story craft studied in the module.
OR continue with the route selected in the first year:
Drama Route - Theatre Revolutions
You will engage with key moments of transition in theatre practice and develop your understanding of those changes from a range of cultural and historical perspectives. Theatre is an ever-changing form and this module provides you with the opportunity to explore exciting moments of change throughout history such as the shift from melodrama to naturalism or the shift from naturalism to post-dramatic performance. Themes you will explore could include Justice, War and Love.
Essay, 50%: You will write an essay interpreting theatre and performance texts using primary and secondary courses to construct a coherent argument in response to one of number of essay questions.
Group performance, 50%: You will create a 30 minute group performance of one or more scenes from one of the plays studied.
Education route - Cultural and Technological Transformations in Education
This module explores how technology has impacted education and learning. We will consider key cultural changes, for example, that we now live in the ‘digital age and how technological change has impacted on notions of children’s and young people’s media literacy, e-learning, e-safety and social networking. Many students do not have access to technology and you will consider the inequalities this perpetuates, as well as how technologies can create a more inclusive form of education for neurodiverse students and students with disabilities. You will also consider how technology can create empowering learning opportunities, through gaming, podcasting, wikis and virtual world platforms for all students.
Portfolio, 100%: You will work in pairs or small groups to create a portfolio exploring a topic from the module presented either as a wiki, website, or interactive Sway.
Education route - Preparing for Professional Practice
The educational landscape of the UK is changing rapidly and the range of graduate professional roles on offer is broader than ever before. This module is intended to support students who wish to go into both teaching and non-teaching-based careers. It will equip you to make informed, critical and confident assessments of the opportunities, debates and challenges that are available to you. You will identify your personal strengths, areas for personal and professional development, and opportunities by which this development might be achieved. You will also gain the practical skills and reflect on the development of your professional identity and application of academic knowledge in practical environments. You will attend career guidance sessions throughout the academic year and have the opportunity to undertake a placement.
Assessment, 100%: You will write a reflective report drawing on your own career interests, aspirations and background experience. This could include employment sector analysis documents, a high-quality CV, self-evaluation documents and evidence of completed, relevant professional development.
English Language route - Sociolinguistics
This module develops your awareness of the link between language and society and the issues that may arise from this link. You will explore topics such as the relationship between language and society, how English varies between regions and countries, the debate on Standard English, multilingualism and language choice, attitudes to language use in society, language and gender, language and class/age, language planning and maintenance, linguistic imperialism or a global language, language and societal problems and researching sociolinguistics.
Test, 20%: a one hour online test
Coursework 1, 20%: You will write a critical review of a text exploring the course content.
Coursework 2, 30%: You will write an analytical study of a theme, topic, or data set exploring the course content.
Project, 30%: You will work as a group on a research project exploring a sociolinguistic topic of your choosing and deliver a 15 minute presentation on your findings.
English Literature route - Text Technologies
Literary and historical texts have always come down to us in material forms - from stone and wax tablets inscribed with a chisel or stylus to being held as electron charges within capacitors on computer microchips. This module is concerned with how these material forms function and how they have shaped the writings we read. You will explore three topics: '‘Manuscript, writing up to the year 1500’, ‘Printing, 1440-2000’, and ‘Digital texts, the 20th century and beyond'. You will discover the revolutionary aspects of each of these developments in text technologies and how they transformed writing, its dissemination and consumption. We will consider such questions as how print disrupted and displaced manuscript culture, how the changing economics of textual dissemination affect what gets written and disseminated, and how reading is shaped by the medium in which the writing is embodied.
Assessment Knowledge-Based Tests, 10%: You will complete a series of short tests.
Case Study, 30%: You will write a case study reflecting on theoretical knowledge and practical experiences of creating a manuscript or a printed document.
Digital Project, 60%: You will use your practical experience of the creation of a digital resource to discuss history of text technologies.
Film Studies route - Screen Archives - Preservation, Conservation and Usage
In this module you will learn about the management and usage of screen archives. You will discover how to identify, approach and mitigate the threats that time and space pose to the preservation of film and media heritage for future generations, while also identifying and exploring the various purposes for which this archival material is utilised by a range of external stakeholders. The module’s hands-on practical evaluation of historical material will encourage you to consider: what can we find and study in film archives? How do we present these items to the public? Who is an archivist and who a collector? And what, ultimately, are the purposes and uses of an archive’s holdings and how can they best be served? You will benefit form learning in the DMU film archives, where you will observe, evaluate film ephemera and their broad historical and socio-cultural contexts.
Professional portfolio, 50%: You will write a portfolio reflecting on curatorial practices concerning archives and collections.
Exhibition materials and curatorial presentation, 50%: You will submit exhibition materials totalling and a 10 minute curatorial presentation around an artefact from a screen archive.
History route – Humans and the Natural World
This module will examine how humans have used, adapted, represented, changed and explored the natural world through the sciences and medicine, sport and leisure, industry, religion and visual culture, among others. You will be introduced to a diversity of historical approaches, including the history of science, medicine and technology, environmental history, sport history and visual history.
Thematic essay, 40%: You will answer an essay question related to the themes of the module.
Podcast or video, 50%: You will choose to produce either a podcast or video of 5-10 minutes. You will work in pairs to examine one of the module themes and bring in primary source analysis.
Content notes, 10%: You will write to introduce your podcast or video.
Journalism route - Beyond news: Peace journalism and Opinion writing
You will explore innovative and constructive approaches to journalism, such as peace journalism, constructive journalism, and solution journalism, which aim to create opportunities for change through journalism. You will gain an understanding of practical elements of writing an entertaining, interesting and compelling first person opinion column, why these columns are more popular today in magazines and newspapers and write your own columns on your own blog. We will also look at review writing and the journalistic similarities here with opinion writing. You will be encouraged to find an area of popular culture they are interested in and review your experience of it, honing your work, practising techniques and styles, until your writing is up to industry standard.
Constructive journalism report, 50%: You will write a report including and explanation of chosen constructive approach, with analysis and proposal of constructive output.
Review and column writing, 50%: You will write a review or column.
Media route - Public Relations and Strategic Communications
This module introduces you the concepts and debates that underpin both the practice and the academic discipline of public relations. You will learn about the different strands of public relations, the industry structures and the tools used by practitioners to engage with their audiences. You will develop an understanding of mediated communications and the relationship between practitioners and journalists. The ability to practically utilise new media and technology as part of strategic communications will also form a key strand of the modules learning and teaching strategy.
Individual PR campaign plan, 60%: You will produce an online PR campaign plan from scratch targeting the UK audience. Your plan will be driven by global research and you will produce practical materials for the campaign which could be logo designs, posters, leaflets, press releases, blogs, websites, digital content, and any innovations with a rationale.
Group presentation and reflective report, 40%: You will deliver a 10 minute presentation as a group and write a reflective report.
Block 4: Personal Projects
This module builds upon the skills developed so far and aims to prepare you for the third year dissertation. You will test the suitability of ideas for your dissertation, plan and begin writing and receive feedback from your tutors and fellow students. You will look at the role of exploratory writing, editing needs at different stages of development, making major and transformative changes, and working through difficulties and setbacks. This module also develops your professional writing and employability skills by exploring how writers present themselves online and establishing your online web presence.
Collaborative Hub, 20%: You will undertake a collaborative research project that culminates in the creating of a professional website that represents each member of the group.
Personal Project, 80%: You will produce a new creative work plus a contextualising critical commentary.
Year 3
Block 1: Genre Specialism
This module provides you with an opportunity to work with a specialist practitioner in a set genre, for example web writing, radio drama or children's writing. You will work collaboratively in small group workshops and with guidance from the practitioner, reflecting on your own working practices and strengths. You will produce a professionally presented project in the set genre which engages with the contemporary literary marketplace
Genre Case Study, 30%: You will produce a sample of writing making use of the techniques and procedures of the genre specialism supported by a either a critical statement or industry-related document.
Genre Project, 70%: You will produce a negotiated project on the genre specialism. This may include materials suitable when preparing work for publication, for example a submission letter, synopsis, blurb or promotional materials and marketing scheme for self-published work.
Block 2: Writing and Publishing
In this module you will gain professional skills and knowledge of the writing industry in its global context. You will gain an understanding of the ways in which writers present their work, how to deal with publishers and agents and how to promote your own work. Topics may include international publishing trends, copyright, digital marketing, the selling of translation rights, developments in e-publishing, the global phenomenon of print-on-demand, and self-publishing. This module is supported by industry professionals through talks, voice coaching and performance sessions. You will be encouraged to promote and selling your publications at the annual Leicester Centre for Creative Writing States of Independence book festival.
Marketing Plan, 30%: You will produce a marketing plan to promote your publication.
Publication project, 70%: You will produce publication project in parallel with your marketing plan.
Block 3: Uncreative Writing, Creative Misbehaviour
This module encourages you to rethink the very premise of ‘Creative Writing’ as self-expression. Creative Writing is founded upon notions of ‘original’ composition, and the quest to find a ‘unique’ voice. The ability to generate new writing that expresses creative thought and reflects upon experiences is one of the enduring definitions of what it means to be human. But there is an alternative history of ‘Uncreative Writing’ that challenges these ideas and welcomes kinds of writing practice open to chance procedures, ‘conceptual writing’, ‘found’ and ‘appropriated’ texts, and experiments with artificial constraints. You will learn about the innovations of Cubism, Dada, Surrealism, Oulipo, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E and Conceptual Writing. You will also explore a range of ideas, attitudes and practices that have been central to visual art, musical composition, mathematics, and Zen. Central to the module is a celebration of the importance of play and experimentation and you will rethink notions of originality, authenticity, authorship, inspiration, and self-expression.
Case study, 40%: You will create 4-5 separate experiments arising from techniques and methods explored in the module.
Uncreative Project, 60%: You will produce creative work that draws on the approaches, techniques, and procedures of the module.
OR continue with the route selected in the first year:
Drama Route - Performance, Identity, and Activism
This module explores the ways in which theatre and performance has been, and can be, used as a vehicle to discuss politics, to emancipate individuals and communities, as a tool for intervention and liberation, or as a means of engagement and communication within society. Exploring politics of personal identity and social relations, the module enables you to make connections between performance and political activism, using intersectional perspectives – race, gender, sexuality, class, and (dis)ability – to create work that pushes beyond pure entertainment. It also considers ways in which drama, theatre and performance functions as a means of engagement and communication within society.
Critical Essay or Presentation, 40%: You will write an essay or deliver a 9 minute presentationdemonstrating your knowledge and critical understanding of theory and practice examined explored in the module.
Solo/Group Creative Project, 60%: You will create either a 15 minute solo piece or 30 minute group piece of original work informed by specific cultural, social or political issues.
Film Studies route - British Cinema - Creativity, Independents and Interdependence
This module explores British cinema, its cultural specificity and its remarkable creative and cultural diversity within an industry-grounded framework, with a particular focus on the post-studio period since the late 1960s and developments between the 1980s and the present. You will gain an understanding of some of the creative figures, individual producers and production companies, films, cycles, genres and trends which have shaped post-1960s and contemporary British film. You will also discover the structural and cultural challenges faced by the UK film industry and the strategies UK filmmakers and institutions have deployed to bring ‘culturally British’ films to audiences at home and worldwide.
Education route – Adult Learners and Lifelong Learning
This module explores the differences between adult education and adults in education, including Further and Higher Education and HE in Further Education. It will examine the theoretical and practical distinctions between adults and school-based learners and will provide you with an opportunity to explore possible routes for your degree beyond the primary sector. The growth and expansion of adult education will be discussed within the contemporary political context and the changed and changing FE and HE landscapes and the concept of Lifelong Learning and Employability will be explored in depth.
Essay, 30%: You will write an essay evaluating the relationship between political perspectives on the form and focus of adult education and the conceptual character of the adult learner.
Report, 70%: You will write a report exploring a single area of adult learning in particular detail.
Education route - Reflection on Practice: Teaching and Learning
You will undertake a placement in a learning environment which could be within schools, arts and community projects, gallery education, post-compulsory education, prisons, early years settings, Scout groups, extra-curricular clubs, hospital schools, as well as alternative educational settings. You will adopt the approach of a reflective practitioner and get involved in the 'process' of critical reflection. In so doing, you will use this as a tool for developing and consolidating your knowledge and understanding of the teaching and learning process.
Presentation, 30%: You will choose a 10 minute microteach or a presentation of an artefact to critically reflect upon a strategy or resource that supports effective teaching and learning drawn from your placement experience.
E-portfolio, 70%: You will write an e-portfolio, critically reflecting on your time in the placement setting.
Education route – Gender and Education
The module examines current debates concerning gender and education. It begins with the historically disadvantaged position of girls and women in education and examines the literature on this subject as it has developed over the past 20 years. The notion of equal opportunities is interrogated and the social construction of gender is problematised and examined. You will also consider recent debates on gender and achievement and the 'problem of boys'.
Presentation, 40%: You will deliver a 10 minute presentation exploring the themes of the module.
Project, 60%: You will write an extended research paper.
English Language route - Language and Identity
This module examines the complex role that language plays in the construction of identities in contemporary society. You will learn about a range of theoretical approaches to the study of language and identity, including performativity and intersectionality. These approaches will be examined in relation to various spoken and written data from domains such as the media, the workplace and online spaces. You will critically evaluate the role that language plays in the construction of identities and in real-world issues such as sexism and racism.
Report plan, 20%: You will writea plan of a report for feedback from your tutor.
Report, 30%: You will write a report on a specific approach to the study of language and identity.
Podcast, 50%: You will produce a 10 minute podcast on a topic related to gender and sexuality designed by the student, including analysis of original linguistic data.
English Literature route - World Englishes: On the Page and Beyond
This module explores a diverse range of ‘World Englishes’ or English-language literature from across the globe. You will develop your knowledge on the production of English literature in a variety of national, ideological, historical, or social contexts and examine examples both on and off the written page. The module focuses on the legacy of colonisation in anglophone and/or postcolonial nations, and the literature thereof. There is an emphasis on the interactions between text and context, and you will be encouraged to explore a range of concepts such as memory, nationality, class, ethnicity, and gender.
Blog entry, 40%: You will submit 4 weekly blog posts responding to one of the set texts discussed, comprising of either written words or minutes of video content.
Research essay, 60%: You will write an essay examining several texts through a specific argument.
History route – The World on Display
This module explores the complex histories of collecting and displaying. You will examine the relationship between museums and history by looking at the origins of museum objects and the histories that shaped collecting practices. You will examine these which may include public history and heritage sites, the impact of colonialism and decolonisation processes in the formation of museums, as well as the effects of the emergence of academic disciplines such as archaeology and anthropology in the shaping of collecting and displaying practices.
Literature review, 40%: You will review and analyse secondary sources related to one of the module themes.
Online Exhibition, 45%. In pairs, you will work on an online exhibition related to one of the themes of the module. You will include primary sources and a final bibliography.
Critical reflection, 15%: You will write reflecting on the work you have done for this module focusing on the knowledge and skills you have learned.
Journalism route - Music, Film & Entertainment Journalism
This module will develop your understanding of music, film and entertainment journalism, its history and its cultural importance. It is a practical module designed to prepare you for a career as a journalists, PR or promoter. You will produce a varied multi-media journalism portfolio showcasing your ability to preview events and write reviews of gigs/albums/films/theatre/TV/comedy and other arts forms to industry standard on various media platforms, including digital, print and social media. The curriculum will include guest speakers, including musicians, directors, and working music, film, and arts journalists, to enhance the learning experience. Supported where possible with trips to relevant music venues, theatres, to speak to staff about media management and how their venues are reported by the media.
Journalism portfolio, 100%.
Media route – Gender and TV Fictions
What have women/those who identify as women contributed to the production of television drama and sitcom? How have women been represented within these genres in terms of their gender, class, sexuality, race and age? These are key questions which this module addresses by exploring British feminine-gendered fiction from the 1960s to the contemporary period. Taking an historical approach, this module contextualises key shifts to women’s positioning on both sides of the television screen in relation to broader cultural, economic, social and industrial change. You will feminine forms of British television fictions’ negotiations and responses to feminism, postfeminism, neoliberalism, postcolonialism and broadcasting policy.
Research portfolio, 50%: You will write a portfolio of research materials including a viewing diary, research notes and summaries of key critical sources regarding the writing and representation of screen femininities.
Group presentation, 50%: You will pitch an idea for a television drama or sitcom about femininities and gender politics.
Year long: Dissertation
This is your opportunity to work independently to produce a professionally presented creative work in a single form or genre of your choice. You will consider your own work in relation to current published work in the same and related genres and be supported by your supervisor and a response group of fellow students. You will receive and respond to feedback constructively over a longer period, mirroring more closely a real-world writing context. By critically reflecting on your own creative writing practice, you will understand how you have grown as a writer, providing you with a firm basis for further growth beyond graduation.
Concept testing, 20%: You will test the concept for your dissertation which could include some creative work (exploratory), a concise summary of the project clearly indicating chosen form/genre and an annotated bibliography of other works in the chosen form/genre/.
Dissertation, 80%: You will produce an original creative work, including a synopsis or similar. This will be accompanied by a critical reflective essay.
Entry Criteria
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IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.
Entry criteria
 104 points from at least 2 A'levels
 BTEC Extended Diploma DMM
 International Baccalaureate: 24+ Points or
 T Levels Merit
Plus five GCSEs grades 9-4 including English Language or Literature at grade 4 or above.
 Pass Access with 30 Level 3 credits at Merit (or equivalent) and GCSE English (Language or Literature) at grade 4 or above.
We will normally require students have had a break from full-time education before undertaking the Access course.
 We also accept the BTEC First Diploma plus two GCSEs including English Language or Literature at grade 4 or above
Note: Applicants with non-standard qualifications may be asked to complete a piece of work to support their application.
Interview required: No
English language requirements
If English is not your first language an IELTS score of 6.0 overall with 5.5 in each band (or equivalent) when you start the course is essential.
English language tuition, delivered by our British Council-accredited Centre for English Language Learning, is available both before and throughout the course if you need it.
1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview
Teaching and assessments
This degree programme is carefully designed to develop your potential by ensuring you encounter the full range of forms open to the 21st century creative writer, whilst also allowing you flexibility to focus, for assignments, on projects and genres that interest you most. We want you to learn that practicing a particular kind of writing can hone your craft in a different form.
In the first year, the focus is upon shorter work, and the importance of developing your editing and re-drafting skills; and your capacity to accept and evaluate feedback from others. This process will enable you to take a critical and reflective approach to your work (Both creative and reflective writing will be assessed). But you will also practice shaping and developing your own ideas, and practice reading as a writer to learn new craft skills.
As you progress through your studies the assignments lengthen, and the focus upon research intensifies as you are expected to situate your own writing alongside your reading of other writers in your field. This involves developing a more sustained writing practice informed by an understanding of the conventions of particular genres, and your management of readers’ expectations. You will also consider how your sense of the ways in which creative work is published and marketed will help you understand how your own practice might fit in – or resist – contemporary conventions.
In all years, the modules reinforce the knowledge that reading and analysing the work of other practitioners – your fellow students included - will help you understand and develop your own formal and technical abilities.
You will experience a range of assessment modes alongside creative writing pieces in the core genres, for example, creative CVs, publications projects, case studies, field trips, and hypertext and audio-visual work. The bulk of the assessment is centred on creative writing coursework and critical reflection – you will take a reflective, critical, and analytical approach to their work and to learn to read as practitioners. You will gain insight into your own creative methods by situating your work in relation to other writers, research materials, and critical writings.
Contact hours
You will be taught through a combination of workshops, lectures, tutorials, group work and self-directed study. In your first year you will normally attend around 10 hours of timetabled taught sessions (lectures and workshops) each week, and we expect you to undertake at least 28 further hours of independent study to complete project work and research.
Career Opportunities
DMU Global
Our innovative international experience programme DMU Global aims to enrich studies, broaden cultural horizons and develop key skills valued by employers.
Through DMU Global, we offer an exciting mix of overseas, on-campus and online international experiences, including the opportunity to study or work abroad for up to a year.
Students on this course have considered the theme of borders and exile on a walking tour of Berlin, taken part in a scavenger hunt in the New York Public Library and discovered Danish literature in Copenhagen.
This course gives you the option to enhance and build your professional skills to progress within your chosen career, through a placement. Our dedicated team offers a range of careers resources and opportunities so you can start planning your future.
Graduate careers
The course will equip you with a broad range of transferrable skills for careers within and beyond the creative industries including creative thinking, critical analysis, problem solving, research, independent study, editing, digital writing, publishing and proof reading. We will encourage you to think more widely about employability, and to recognise – and articulate to employers – the rich skills you bring to any workplace.
Our graduates go on to careers in a variety of areas such as writing, teaching, publishing and PR, while others undertake further studies such as the Creative Writing MA at DMU.
Graduate, Konnie Colton, is undertaking her master's at DMU whilst working as an intern at an independent publisher. She said: "The course, the people, the campus everything is brilliant and I have had so much support. I always knew I wanted to do a master’s degree and there was no way I was leaving DMU to study for it anywhere else."
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