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The MRes in Medieval Studies is an interdisciplinary programme enabling students to study the Medieval period from a range of different subject disciplines that embraces History, Literature, Theology, Celtic Studies and Archaeology.

We have a long tradition of specialist teaching in the medieval period at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and students may engage with several important and high-profile research projects, such as ‘Strata Florida’, and ‘Monastic Wales’.

The University has a well-established record of research and teaching in the Medieval period. Its provision at all levels has enabled students to study the Medieval and Early Modern period drawing on specialist staff expertise and resources, particularly the holdings of the Special Collections of the Roderic Bowen Library: a unique resource which houses the Special Collections of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, including over 35,000 printed works, 8 medieval manuscripts, around 100 post medieval manuscripts, and 69 incunabula.



Course Length

Course Length: Full-time 2 years; Part-time 4 years
Start Date: 1st October/ 1st February

Why choose this course?

The programme is delivered on the VLE and online learning technologies. It is taught through seminars, small workshops and individual tutorials and supervision that enable detailed and personalised feedback.

Access to a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) enables additional learning, especially work-shopping, to take place outside the sessions and supports the development of a mutually supportive cohort of committed researchers.
Moreover, this programme will offer:

• Expert teaching from research active specialist staff and exceptional resources in the specialist holdings of the Roderic Bowen Library
• Small seminar-based classes
• Option to complete on a full-time or part-time basis (October entry for full-time students, October or February entry for part-time students)


The MRes in Medieval Studies offers a high-quality student experience through a unique programme of study taught by a range of experts within the field of Medieval Studies. The programme is underpinned by advanced research methods, the study of theoretically informed critical approaches, and the scholarly examination of manuscripts and early printed books.

The MRes in Medieval Studies includes 60 taught credits and a 120 credit dissertation which requires students to undertake an extended piece of research amounting to 30,000 words.


Part I

• Celtic Arthur and the Mabinogion Tales (30 credits; optional)
• Celtic Sanctity, Spirituality and Hagiography (30 credits; optional)
• Fact or Fiction? Literature and History (30 credits; optional)
• History and Historians (30 credits; optional)
• Intensive Latin I (30 credits; optional)
• Intensive Latin II (30 credits; optional)
• Introduction to Digital Humanities (30 credits; optional)
• Medieval Conference (30 credits; optional)
• Past Peoples, Present Societies: Research Methods and Skills (30 credits; compulsory)
• Screening the Past: Film and History (30 credits; optional)
• Skills for Medievalists (30 credits; optional)
• The Cloister and the World: Studies in Medieval Cistercian History (30 credits; optional)
• Thomas Becket (30 credits; optional)
• Women in the Middle Ages: Sources from the Celtic Regions (30 credits; optional).
• Writing the History of Power: From Democracy to Dictatorship (30 credits; optional).

Part II

• MRes Dissertation (Medieval Studies) (120 credits; compulsory).

Entry Criteria

Applicants are expected to have a good first degree (a first or upper second), although every application is considered in its own merit, so places may be offered on the basis of professional qualification and relevant experiences. Candidates with a lower degree classification or no degree may be admitted at Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma level, with an opportunity to upgrade to Master’s level if satisfactory progress is made.

Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.

IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.



1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview


The modules are assessed by a variety of assessment methods: short essays (2,500 words), longer essays (4,000-5,000 words), comparative analyses, literary reviews and appreciations, short assignments, linguistic exercises, oral assessments and one 30,000-word dissertation.

Career Opportunities

Areas of employment include:

• Museum
• Archives
• Heritage sector
• Professional Writers
• Marketing

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