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The BA (Hons) Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace has been developed in response to student demand for an appropriate progression route following successful completion of the Certificate of Higher Education Skills for the Workplace programme.

Key Features

This programme is taught via a mixture of seminar presentations, interactive group discussions and individual and group activities. The teaching is front-loaded at the beginning of each module in terms of face-to-face contact with a carefully structured series of learner exercises progressing into each assessment task.

In every module the learning, teaching and assessment task reflects the basic philosophy of the programme as a whole, focussing on the relationship between theory and practice, developing critical self-awareness and bridging the gap between “knowing” and “doing”.



Course Length

Why choose this course?


This programme is only available to Home applicants.

Successful completion of studies on the Cert HE Skills for the Workplace will enable learners to progress straight into Level 5 of this degree programme which follows a similar pattern of flexible delivery as the Certificate, being delivered with discrete modules, studied consecutively, with face-to-face tuition at a convenient community location. This programme will facilitate student study into management theory and practice, firmly contextualized within workplace experience.

This programme complements the portfolio currently offered through the Faculty of Business and Management and can lead to further progression onto the extensive postgraduate suite of programmes offered both locally and via distance learning.

In terms of subject content, the title “for the workplace” reflects the contextualisation of each module to the personal workplace experiences of the learners. This project based, discursive approach to study ensures that generic theoretical models are consistently explored within a workplace context ensuring continued relevance to the needs of employers and career progression.

This course is available to apply as a weekday or weekend study option.

After successful completion of this programme, students are welcome to continue to study with us onto one of our MBA pathways.


The curriculum content of the BA (Hons) Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace has been carefully developed to provide a series of discrete 20 credit modules. Each module focuses on a key generic aspect of management and leadership capable of being contextualized to specific workplace experiences.

The modules can be studied in any order within the Level, with the exception of Developing Workplace Critical thinking and Emergent Leadership Skills for the Workplace which will always begin each new level of study and provide a contextual introduction.

From September 2023, a new range of modules will become available.

In general terms, Level 5 study focuses upon areas relating to business and management i.e.

• Developing Workplace Critical Thinking (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Developing Workplace Critical Thinking module, the student should be able to:

o discriminate and analyse the difference between beliefs, attitudes and values within a workplace context;
o critically assess their own beliefs, attitudes and value systems and their impact on workplace behaviour;
o apply the critical assessment of an appropriate management theory to evaluate how someone with different beliefs, attitudes and values might interpret the theory differently.
• Developing Relationships and Workplace Achievement (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Developing Relationships and Workplace Achievement module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

o critically assess the potential benefits to the organisation of developing individuals in the workplace;
o manage an individual’s expectations in respect of personal development;
o critically evaluate development vehicles available to an organisation appropriate to the development needs of the individual;
o generate a detailed plan to meet the identified development needs of an individual in the workplace and the management of performance.

• Understanding and Engaging in the Customer Experience (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Understanding and Engaging in the Customer Experience module, the student should be able to:

o evidence a critical understanding of quality process in the workplace;
o analyse the customers’ experience of an organisation;
o critically evaluate the benefits and challenges of developing and maintaining good customer relationships.

• Managing Projects in the Organisation (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Managing Projects in the Organisation module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

o critically assess the usefulness of project management tools and techniques for managing a project within an organisation;
o plan the implementation of a project of appropriate complexity within a workplace;
o critically evaluate their ability to manage a project.

• Workplace Culture and its impact on Organisational Efficiency (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Workplace Culture and its impact on Organisation Efficiency module, the student should be able to:

o critically assess the culture and context of an organisation;
o evaluate an organisation within its broader environment using appropriate environmental and organisational analysis techniques;
o critically appraise the cultural and ethical behaviour present in one or more organisations.

• Knowledge and Information Management Skills for the Workplace (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Knowledge and Information Management Skills for the Workplace module, the student should be able to:
o evaluate the concept and importance of knowledge management in terms of an organisation’s knowledge assets and their management;
o understand the key knowledge management processes required for organisational development;
o develop a framework for establishing a knowledge management culture.

Progress to Level 6 study focuses upon areas relating to leadership skills within a management context i.e.

• Emergent Leadership Skills for the Workplace (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Emergent Leadership Skills for the Workplace module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

o critically evaluate personal ability to fulfil key responsibilities of the leadership role within the context of established leadership styles;
o analyse and critically assess strategies for leadership in relation to others;
o plan for the leadership of change of an appropriate level of complexity within the workplace.

• Developing Innovation and Creativity for Business Advantage (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Developing Innovation and Creativity for Business Advantage module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

o critically reflect on the innovation concept;
o recognise, analyse and apply creative thinking at the individual, team, organisational and industry level;
o critically explore and differentiate between different models of innovation;
o critically assess characteristics of organisational knowledge and organisational knowing.

• Leading and Implementing Workplace Change (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Leading and Implementing Workplace Change module, the student should be able to:

o critically analyse the relationship between environmental change and organisational capability;
o critically analyse the nature of change and evaluate complex concepts relating to leadership in relation to change management;
o explore contemporary issues and their impact on business management;
o analyse and evaluate the relationship between organisational culture and change.

• Strategic Management for SMEs (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Strategic Management for SMEs module, the student should be able to:

o critically appraise an organisation’s strategic direction;
o critically analyse the components of an organisation’s internal and external environment;
o critically evaluate stakeholder expectations;
o formulate and verify new strategies for sustainable growth.

• Coaching and Mentoring Skills for the Workplace (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Coaching & Mentoring Skills for the Workplace module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

o critically evaluate the purpose of coaching and mentoring within an organisational context;
o critically analyse the skills, behaviours, attitudes, beliefs and values of an effective coach or mentor;
o apply strategies to effectively coach or mentor at an appropriate level.

• Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills for the Workplace (20 credits; compulsory)

Upon the successful completion of the Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills for the Workplace module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to:

o explore concepts of emotional intelligence and its relevance to the workplace;
o understand and apply of models of emotional intelligence and evaluate theorists;
o critically appraise the importance of emotional intelligence and mindfulness in the workplace.

The modules available will change in September 2023 to the following:

Level 4 (CertHE)

• Academic Skills (20 credits; compulsory)
• Digital Skills (20 credits; compulsory)
• Effective Team Working and Communication (20 credits; compulsory)
• Problem Solving and Decision Making (20 credits; compulsory)
• Employability and Career Development (20 credits; compulsory)
• Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (20 credits; compulsory).

Level 5 (DipHE & BA)

• Understanding and Engaging Stakeholders (20 credits; compulsory)
• Developing, Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams (20 credits; compulsory)
• Project Management (20 credits; compulsory)
• Managing Business Information (20 credits; compulsory)
• Organisational Culture (20 credits; compulsory)
• Developing Emotional Intelligence Skills (20 credits; compulsory).

Level 6 (BA)

• Strategic Management for Business (20 credits; compulsory)
• Design Thinking and Innovation (20 credits; compulsory)
• Leading and Implementing Change (20 credits; compulsory)
• Research Methods for Business (20 credits; compulsory)
• Independent Project (40 credits; compulsory).

Entry Criteria

This programme is only available to Home students.

Successful completion of Level 4 CertHE Skills for the Workplace (120 credits).

Home Office Share Code
For EU students only.

IF no Qualification
Please provide CV with at least 2 years of work experience, and employee reference letter.



1. INTERNAL ENGLISH TEST if you don't have an English accredited certificate
2. Academic Interview


The summative assessment for each module takes the form of a single assignment the exact nature of which varies according to module content and learning outcomes. Students engage with individual and group presentations, mock interviews, short tests, research and problem-solving exercises and role-play situations as part of the coursework activities and formative assessment.

Whilst the final summative task might have a fairly traditional format of a written assignment or report, the formative tasks enable students to explore other activities fundamental to good practice within the workplace. Critical reflection on personal performance is a key part of each module and is integral to all aspects of the programme.

Each assessment task is linked to student interest or experience, so for a student with an interest in physical fitness, a project might be linked to the business and management of running a Health Club.

Career Opportunities

The purpose of the Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace BA (Hons) is to create an attractive undergraduate programme that truly responds to the changing needs of learners in the workplace and for those who are seeking to improve their prospects of a return to the workplace.

The programme has been compiled to ensure that graduates are equipped with appropriate underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills, which will allow them to be effective within the constantly changing global market. The ability to make an immediate impact and an ongoing contribution in the workplace will be an important aspect.

As such they will be proficient in a team environment, have acquired skills that will enable them to effectively communicate, be able to identify appropriate strategies to solve organisational problems, be able to contribute to reflective practice and have the confidence and capability to develop as life-long learners.

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